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Standing Office Desk in Exeter, CA

Do you want an easy way to help your employees be healthy and happy during work? Invest in a standing desk for each of your employees who wants one. At Office Source 360 in Exeter, CA, we provide a standing office desk that works for your needs.

How Can Standing Office Desks Help You?

Whether for yourself or for your employees, standing desks are great office tools. They enable workers to stand instead of sitting slumped over for hours at a time. Standing desks can also:

  • Help with weight loss: Because you stand instead of sit, you can often lose more calories. This helps with overall weight loss.
  • Lower blood sugar: Because meals increase your blood sugar, standing can counteract that effect.
  • Decrease risk of heart disease: Standing instead of sitting can help improve your heart health.
  • Reduce back pain: Long hours of sitting in front of a computer can hunch your back, weaken your muscles, and increase your back pain. Standing helps eliminate that.
  • Improve your mood: With a standing desk, you can often experience less stress and more energy. This can also help you to be more productive.
  • Help you live longer: Long hours of sitting can actually increase your chances of dying earlier in life. Standing office desks can help prevent that.

Do you want to experience the benefits of a standing desk for yourself or your company? Get in touch with us today!

Why Choose Office Source 360?

At Office Source 360, we have a large variety of standing desks ready for your office. We can happily consult with you beforehand on what you might need from our standing office desks. And once you've ordered from us, we offer next-day delivery, and assembly is available in our local area. Just call for pricing.

Please call us at 1 (559).592.3364, or order your standing desks. We look forward to meeting your office equipment needs.

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